国产A mythical account of the life of Buddy Bolden, the first Cornet King of New Orleans.
国产A mythical account of the life of Buddy Bolden, the first Cornet King of New Orleans.
回复 :The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of innocence were suppressed.
回复 :位于北冰洋沿岸的哈默菲斯特是挪威最北的城市,这座小城每年都会经历极夜,太阳永远地藏在地平线以下不会升起,城市在漫长的黑夜与永恒的黎明之间徘徊。来自德国的天然气工程师尼尔斯把自己的妻子玛利亚和儿子接来此地,希望挽救即将破碎的家庭。但新的环境貌似对他们的关系于事无补。尼尔斯没日没夜的工作,还在外有个情人。玛利亚在临终医院做夜间看护,处在青春躁动期的儿子马库斯与新同学的关系也日拔弩张。但一晚一场突然起来的车祸将三颗冰冷的心渐渐融化,原本岌岌可危的夫妻关系在共同承担对这一事件的过程中开始发生变化,并在彼此的陪伴中完成了由恐慌-逃避-愧疚-踌躇-忏悔的整个心理历程,并最终在对向受害者父母说出真相完成了对自我心灵的救赎。
回复 :When a fracking environmental accident rips apart the earth's crust, the resulting hole lets out prehistoric sharks from underground. The sharks target a group of women and trap them in a cabin.