回复 :爱,可能更来自真正的对话。沈可尚耗时七年,记录到主要角色从相恋、结婚、生子的生命过程。本片呈现八对夫妻生活对话,他们开诚布公、质问对方日常生活中不会触及的话题。从为什么要与对方结婚到不再有激情的婚姻生活;是否厌倦对方到一触及发的婆媳问题;还有关于性、关于生孩子、关于受不了对方的点点滴滴……中国大陆的小夫妻阿飞与乐会,在打工的地方认识、相爱、结婚,通过质朴的对话,看到大陆年轻一代农民工的婚恋观念;台湾的白领年轻夫妻勇诚与薇之,展现了城市夫妻对婚姻的期待与妥协;另外还有教授、小吃店老板、白领职员、艺术工作者、创业家、家庭主妇等,他们之间最真实的对谈,带领观众反思自身对婚姻与幸福的定义。
回复 :故事发生在2008年的伦敦,全球变暖导致海平面上升,部分陆地时不时遭到洪水的淹没,处处一片破败萧瑟的景象。警探斯通(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)因为办案方式太过激导致他遭到了警局的解雇,但即便脱下了配枪和警服,斯通依然锲而不舍的独子追查着他在职期间未能够破获的连环凶杀案件。某日,城市里又新起了一宗凶杀案,被害人遭到了凶手的开膛破肚,死状非常的恐怖。凶手行凶的手段立刻就让斯通联想到了曾经发生过的那些案件,他坚信这几起案件为同一人所为。没过多久,警方收到了一个可怕的包裹,包裹里是死者遭到了啃噬的心脏,通过齿痕判断,作案者并非人类。
回复 :They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it.Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.