回复 :トップをねらえ!科学講座 4話(本編第1-4話までの各話の最後に収録のミニコーナー)新・トップをねらえ!科学講座 2話(LD-BOX『オカエリナサイBOX』に収録された映像特典、鶴巻和哉第1回監督作品)帰ってきたトップをねらえ!科学講座 2話(Blu-ray Boxに収録された映像特典)
回复 :故事描述世界被高度科技化,人类的梦想,科技的结晶──人型机器人,它们完全融入人类的生活,却也衍生出新的对立……和人类相似,也会「生病」的它们,有着与人类不同的「治疗」选择……贴近这些拥有烦恼的AI们,新型态医生须堂的故事,就此开幕。
回复 :A special follow-up to the programme that broadcast exclusive access to the research into the remains of Richard III found underneath a Leicester car park. The research confirmed that the remains were his, and helped build a picture of what he looked like. Using unseen footage of the dig and tests, and fresh interviews with the lead scientists, this programme reveals multiple new dimensions to the hunt for England's long-lost king. The project involved dozens of specialists, in the fields of archaeology, osteology, history, forensic pathology, genealogy and DNA analysis. The programme pieces together the critical steps in the archaeological excavation, explaining how the Greyfriars Church was uncovered and detailing the painstaking exhumation of Richard's grave from the first indications of human remains to the exposure of the body's twisted spine. In the university's labs, the programme follows the scientists as they examine the skeleton to unlock the lost king's story, revealing its clues to his diet and social status, and to the diseases he endured. The film reveals how the DNA match with Richard III was made. Perhaps the most harrowing stage of the project was the minute forensic examination of the cause of death. Piecing together CT scans and microscopic analysis, the team identified the major injuries that Richard suffered in the last moments of his life and shortly afterwards.