回复 :鲍勃(洛克•哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)是一个整日里游手好闲的花花公子。一次搭乘潜艇出海是,鲍勃遭遇了海难,警方带来了镇上的唯一一个人工呼吸器,救了鲍勃一名。但医院院长菲利普却在同时病发,因为没有呼吸器而死去了。得知 了这一消息,鲍勃感到十分内疚,他决定倾其所有来帮助菲利普的遗孀海伦(简•怀曼 Jane Wyman 饰)。然而,菲利普的好意却意外的令海伦双目失明。鲍勃隐姓埋名陪伴在失明的海伦的身边,在不知道鲍勃的真实身份的情况下,海伦对鲍勃渐渐产生了好感。最终,鲍勃表明了身份希望海伦能够嫁给他,在得知了一切的真相后,海伦选择了离开。
回复 :莱克(13岁)是工党一位著名政客的女儿,她意外地殴打了她的同学杰米,杰米是当地一位右翼政客的儿子。莱克声称杰米的死是一场意外,但没人相信她。学校校长丽芙是一位理想主义者,她违背自己的政治信仰,一直与杰米的父亲卡尔·埃里克保持着秘密关系。当他们不能再为他们的关系保密时,周围的环境会做出难以置信的反应。丽芙的哥哥安德斯是莱克和杰米的班主任。事故发生时,他本应在学校操场上,却因未能阻止事故的发生而深感内疚。就像水环绕着海底一样,我们将体验社区与事故和后果的关系。这是怎么发生的?之后又怎么可能继续生活呢?
回复 :Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors.