回复 :Every year in France, 92,000 people are placed under psychiatric care without their consent. By law, the hospital has 12 days to bring each patient before a judge. Based on medical records and a doctor’s recommendations, a crucial decision has to be made – will the patient stay or leave12 DAYS after which lives can change forever.
回复 :In this clever homage to 80's slasher films| a group of teenagers looking to party get stranded when their ride breaks down| and end up being stalked by acannibalistic killer.
回复 :第二次世界大战前夕,一名普通的陆军士兵(龟梨和也 饰)因帮助同伴而殴打长官,随后被军事法庭判处死刑。关键时刻,名叫结城(伊势谷友介 饰)的神秘男子突然出现,并将之吸纳进专门培养间谍的秘密部门——D机关。历经层层考验,青年终于得到第一项任务。不久前某犹太科学家遭到暗杀,而他记载着最新式武器设计图的黑色笔记据说落入美国大使埃内斯特·格雷厄姆(Richard Moss 饰)手中。青年化名嘉藤次郎来到了被称为魔都的城市,伺机盗出笔记。与此同时,英、苏、德等国的特工也闻风而动,顶峰的间谍大战即将展开……本片根据柳广司的同名系列小说改编。