日本Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
日本Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
回复 :西条高人(高桥广树 配音)自8岁时进入演艺圈起,就一直生活在众人的赞誉和聚光灯之下。浸淫在娱乐圈里许久,高人的性格变得傲慢而冷漠,但从另一方面来说,常年和普通社会脱节令他也有着意外单纯和天真的一面。高人有一个他引以为傲的荣誉——连续5年蝉联“最想被拥抱的男人”排行榜第一位,然而今年,高人胜利的宝座却被一个名叫东谷准太(小野友树 配音)的新人抢走了。 东谷准太虽然入行没多久,却有着意外高涨的人气,性格温和的他深受粉丝和同僚们的欢迎。不服气的高人处处找准太的麻烦,却在一次意外中在准太面前暴露了自己不为人知的一面而留下了把柄在准太的手中。
回复 :Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pursues his quest reunite with Maria, his lost love, savagely decapitated by Little Jesus. He can count on the support of allies met along his bloody path, encounters that provide an understanding of others, but especially of himself. He also has to deal with his “violent outbreaks,” an incontrollable curse that springs from his murderous soul.
回复 :大野晶(津田健次郎 配音)是一名游戏运营,一天,在登录游戏里的最终BOSS魔王九内伯斗的账号时,竟然在误打误撞之下穿越到了游戏里的异世界中,并且是以魔王的身份和形象。就这样,大野晶开始了在游戏里的探索,并且遇到了非常柔弱的亚可(高尾奏音 配音)。大野晶知道亚可无法在这个弱肉强食的世界里生存下去,于是决定保护她,就这样,亚可成为了“女主角”。 既然身为魔王,那么大野晶的身边一定有很多想要将他除之而后快的勇者们。傲娇任性的圣女露娜(石原夏织 配音)、行事粗暴但内心细腻的基拉(户松遥 配音)、成熟稳重的安杰尔(丰崎爱生 配音),当三圣女出现在大野晶的身边后,会发生怎样有趣的故事呢?