春暖A family struggling with loss finds themselves yuankan.cc at the mercy of an ancient demon trying to destroy them from the inside.
春暖A family struggling with loss finds themselves yuankan.cc at the mercy of an ancient demon trying to destroy them from the inside.
回复 :“Louis Armstrong's Black & Blues” offers an intimate and revealing look at the world-changing musician, presented through a lens of archival footage and never-before-heard home recordings and personal conversations. This definitive documentary, directed by Sacha Jenkins, honors Armstrong's legacy as a founding father of jazz, one of the first internationally known and beloved stars, and a cultural ambassador of the United States. The film shows how Armstrong’s own life spans the shift from the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement, and how he became a lightning rod figure in that turbulent era.
回复 :清晨,刚从大学毕业回钢厂任技术员的姑娘罗晓琳,兴冲冲地来到了加热炉青年班,发现小李子违犯了安全操作规程,便不留情面地批评了他。这种严格要求原本无可非议,然而响当当的青年班却觉得他们竟被一个女大学生管住了,未免太不光彩。于是就对罗晓琳很反感,就连班长项志强也不例外。车间主任项师傅对待此事的态度却和儿子项志强截然不同,他非常赞赏罗晓琳这种敢抓敢管的作风,他要求罗厂长让罗晓琳来管青年班。罗晓琳到加热炉班后,既抓生产又抓学习,青年班这群属猴的感到很不痛快,甚至影响了项班长与罗晓琳之间早已产生、但尚未表白的感情。青年班为了抢速度,求数量,背着罗晓琳蛮干,终于发生了卡钢故事。为此全班每个人的奖金都都被扣掉一部分。小李子对此事很恼火,便在一次闯红灯罚款时把闯红灯的女工陈玉的姓名说成罗晓琳,弄得罗厂长为闯红灯的事狠狠批评了女儿罗晓琳一顿。项志强明知事情真象又不愿揭发小李子,自己承担了责任,被严父狠批一顿。罗晓琳为项班长替人受过的精神所感动,主动把烧破洞的安全帽补好送给项志强。正在写检查而总是写不好的项志强,猛然感觉到罗晓琳对自己的深情,待罗去后,他忍不住写起情书来。在全车间的检讨会上,小李子抢过项志强的检查,替班长代念,以求减轻自己搞恶作剧的内疚。不料当众念的却是一张情意绵绵的情书,引起全车间的哄堂大笑。罗厂长、项主任十分尴尬,难以下台,罗晓琳更是羞赧地夺门而逃。这消息很快传给了项大妈,她对念情书一事感到非常满意,于是,老两口也卷到这出戏剧性的冲突里去了。一天,罗晓琳约项志强下班后去参观电子技术展览,青年班的活跃人物们跟踪而至。罗晓琳和项志强只顾忙着躲避后边的跟踪,竟误闯进了"国庆集体结婚登记处"。管理人员要他俩登记,他们拿起笔来就写姓名,也没填表,就急匆匆地跑去看展览了。国庆前夕,省妇联负责"集体婚礼"工作的郑同志来通知项和罗补办手续,才发现这是一场喜剧性的误会。这是一场美好的误会。项大妈却为儿子国庆不能结婚感到惋惜,幸而亲家提议新年结婚,她才喜笑颜开。姑娘小伙们也为这即将举行的喜庆笑得十分开心!
回复 :There is no way to write a "spoiler"---is there actually somebody somewhere who, ten minutes into this 1950's film, wouldn't know where it is going and will end up---since it is a strictly written-by-the-numbers corruption and redemption meller that finds: number 1, a doctor returns from the Korean War to his Pennsylvania mining hometown, (and 2) must choose between dedicating himself to treating the suffering poor (or 3) build himself a swank office and get rich by flattering wealthy women with imaginary ailments. Throw in elements no. 5,Lizabeth Scott as a rich, spoiled, twice-divorced woman with a lip stiffer than his, and number 6, Dianne Foster as a nurse bent on helping all mankind, and there are no surprises left, especially if one take note of the name of Irving Wallace among the writers, the title and Scott billed above Foster. The only surprise here is that this film wasn't from Universal-International and directed by Douglas Sirk.