爱德蒙·罗斯丹(托马·索利韦尔 饰)快到三十岁,藏身结婚生子后创作陷入低潮,藏身江郎才尽的焦虑令这位巴黎十九世纪剧作家沮丧不堪。这时缪思却来了,一个令人心动的女孩宣示命运的嘲弄。他唯有通过协助好友追求女孩,同时把情事化为戏语,超越一切嫉妒与痴狂,终成就一代喜剧英雄、一齣边写边排的神作。今天无人不晓得《大鼻子情圣》,它的诞生原来更加传奇。戛纳影帝奥利维埃·古尔梅饰演戏剧泰斗哥格兰,努力催生旷世杰作,更为电影增添无上魅力。
爱德蒙·罗斯丹(托马·索利韦尔 饰)快到三十岁,藏身结婚生子后创作陷入低潮,藏身江郎才尽的焦虑令这位巴黎十九世纪剧作家沮丧不堪。这时缪思却来了,一个令人心动的女孩宣示命运的嘲弄。他唯有通过协助好友追求女孩,同时把情事化为戏语,超越一切嫉妒与痴狂,终成就一代喜剧英雄、一齣边写边排的神作。今天无人不晓得《大鼻子情圣》,它的诞生原来更加传奇。戛纳影帝奥利维埃·古尔梅饰演戏剧泰斗哥格兰,努力催生旷世杰作,更为电影增添无上魅力。
回复 :位于北极圈附近的冰原森林,生活着一对平凡却有着非凡身手的父女。父亲艾利克·海勒(Eric Bana 饰)曾是受雇于CIA的特工,在上世纪90年代活跃于东欧和中亚等地,具有丰富的经验。然而最终却因为某种原因,令他带着女儿汉娜隐居在这人类罕至的寒冷所在。经过十多年的艰苦磨练,汉娜(Saoirse Ronan 饰)终于成长为拥有广博知识和出色身手的战斗少女。某天,自认已做好准备的汉娜按下了父亲那台信号发射器,不久美国方面便收到消息。艾利克当年的联系人玛丽莎(Cate Blanchett 饰)声称这个消失多年的特工掌握非常敏感的秘密,于是在她的主持下,一场居心叵测的围捕旋即展开。汉娜也已柔弱的身躯投入了血腥的战斗之中……
回复 :Burroughs: The Movie explores the life and times of controversial Naked Lunch author William S. Burroughs, with an intimacy never before seen and never repeated. The film charts the development of Burroughs' unique literary style and his wildly unconventional life, including his travels from the American Midwest to North Africa and several personal tragedies. Burroughs: The Movie is the first and only feature length documentary to be made with and about Burroughs. The film was directed by the late Howard Brookner. It was begun in 1978 as Brookner's senior thesis at NYU film school and then expanded into a feature which was completed 5 years later in 1983. Sound was recorded by Jim Jarmusch and the film was shot by Tom DiCillo, fellow NYU classmates and both very close friends of Brookner's.
回复 :SummaryBullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be. An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear...ReviewDrawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte.The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944. Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance. The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators.