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  时间:2025-01-18 16:07:47

亚洲After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god (literally), known as "The Daughter of the Sun." The story of Noroit is based on an early 17th-century tragedy by Cyril Tourneur, and, though it is only the third one filmed, the movie is the concluding episode in a four-part series by director Jacques Rivette.“With NOROÎT, Jacques Rivette has joined Federico Fellini as one of the great autobiographical surrealists of the cinema” (John Hughes). Based on the bloody Jacobean play, “The Revenger's Tragedy,” and influenced by samurai films, Fritz Lang, and Samuel Fuller, NOROÎT was shot in a fifteenth-century chateau and a twelfth-century seaside fortress, and stars Geraldine Chaplin as the ghostly Morag, out to avenge the death of her brother who was murdered by a group of women pirates. With its emphasis on ritual, fantasy, and spectacle, “NOROÎT contains the most beautiful images and sounds of any Rivette film” (Jonathan Rosenbaum, Sight & Sound ).




回复 :Broke Edith murders and assumes the identity of her recently widowed, well-to-do twin sister Margaret, who had married Edith's former flame 20 years before. Can she fool the servants and the authorities and keep her new-found wealth?



回复 :After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god (literally), known as "The Daughter of the Sun." The story of Noroit is based on an early 17th-century tragedy by Cyril Tourneur, and, though it is only the third one filmed, the movie is the concluding episode in a four-part series by director Jacques Rivette.“With NOROÎT, Jacques Rivette has joined Federico Fellini as one of the great autobiographical surrealists of the cinema” (John Hughes). Based on the bloody Jacobean play, “The Revenger's Tragedy,” and influenced by samurai films, Fritz Lang, and Samuel Fuller, NOROÎT was shot in a fifteenth-century chateau and a twelfth-century seaside fortress, and stars Geraldine Chaplin as the ghostly Morag, out to avenge the death of her brother who was murdered by a group of women pirates. With its emphasis on ritual, fantasy, and spectacle, “NOROÎT contains the most beautiful images and sounds of any Rivette film” (Jonathan Rosenbaum, Sight & Sound ).



回复 :本片为《发展受阻》的纪录片。一个大富之家因涉嫌经济犯罪,所有资产被冻结。早已习惯锦衣玉食的一家人如何适应这天翻地覆的转变呢?这部片的拍摄手法是使用纪录片的手法,偶尔会对故事里提到的事进行闪回。搞笑的是家族里的人的各种古怪事和相互算计以及通过闪回带来的幽默。严格来说这不是一部好的纪录片。充满了太多的自恋、狂傲、焦虑和对世界的怒意。我会认为这是一部自吹自擂的粉丝纪录片,如果它不是关于《发展受阻》的话。如果。然而我怎么可能否认,《发展受阻》是我看过最聪明、最明智、最了不起的喜剧?因此我在看这个纪录片的时候只能激动地拍着桌子,天才们,你们实在是太谦虚了,你们对FOX和这世界爆出的粗口也实在太少了。而那些通过粉丝之口讲出的赞美,我也实在觉得不及事实之万一。我想说这是人类有史以来最出色的喜剧。如果导演采访到我的话,我会这么说。一开始,我只认为它足以和《生活大爆炸》比肩,承担起这个高级幽默太过稀缺的世界王者的地位。但稍后,我立刻修正了看法。没有喜剧能够和《发展受阻》相提并论了。然而它没有红,它的收视率低下,它被FOX砍了。是是是,我们太了解电视和人均智商那一套东西了不是吗?作为密度叹为观止的高智商喜剧,《发展受阻》要求你全神贯注地观看,像坐在电影院看一部电影那样消化吸收它,——即使这样,你还是可能会因为笑这个joke的时间长达3秒而错过了另外五十个joke。它不仅需要你坐在电影院看,还需要你购置一套蓝光DVD,回家反复琢磨。剧组里的每个人都觉得它拍到第三季其实已经是奇迹了。更别提Netflix在时隔多年之后召唤出了原班人马续签了第四季。Oh,所以你大概已经明白,你需要先花上几天功夫看完整整四季的《发展受阻》,才能领会到我看这部纪录片时的心情。加油!

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