回复 :故事发生在充满了青葱气息的戏剧学院校园之中,张了了(戚薇饰)是名震全校的播音系系花,尽管身后随时都跟着一大串的追求者,但心高气傲的了了却从来不把他们放在眼里。戏文系的白亮(汪东城饰)尽管个性开朗长相英俊,但感情世界一片空白的他对于女性毫无经验,经常搞得自己面红耳赤手足无措。就是这样一个“小白鼠”,竟然喜欢上了追求难度之高人尽皆知的张了了,为了能够获得“女神”的芳心,白亮会使出怎样的招数呢?刚开始,张了了也没把白亮放在心上,但随着时间的推移,白亮善良正直的个性和善解人意的性格渐渐吸引了她,一对有情人终成眷属。
回复 :He who has a trick in their bag, they shall use it. An anthology of social deception and trickery in four unlikely places.
回复 :A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the not so earth shattering problems of their twin, fifteen year old daughter and son as well as the antics of their precocious six year old daughter. Their lives tumble along, as most families do, until they must face the grave diagnosis of their faithfully and very loved Golden Retriever, Semper Fi. The family cannot afford the expensive surgery the dog needs. The children jump into action with a plan, spear headed by the fifteen year old daughter. They plan a community yard sale, donating all of their most prized possessions. The family's grumpy neighbor plays an unlikely and unexpected part in the ultimate success of the fund raising. Before Semper goes in for his surgery, he displays a heroic act that almost ends his life. The story unfolds during the holiday season.