回复 :On the school's blacklist are Viking, the school leader; Buntad, the best in academics; Title, who always wins with money; Jimbe, a friendly, cheerful and beloved guy; Andrew, a handsome guy who can make every girl be obsessed; Highlight, the school's secret keeper; Traffic, who's behind the scenes of badness and the leader; and the school's secret mission, that's assigned for them...
回复 :《初入职场的我们》第一季是由芒果TV自制的一档帮助职场新人适应职场,获悉正确的职场法则,勇敢步入职场的关怀类综艺。六名职场新人一个月内分别在一南一北两家公司历经种种职场考验,在跟随两位老板学习职场知识的同时,以积极向上的奋斗力量直面职场,实现自我的蜕变。
回复 :《我心唱响》是东方卫视于2011年5月推出由曹启泰主持的全新大型歌唱综艺真人秀节目,节目虽和唱歌有关,但节目本身并不是唱歌比赛或选秀比赛,而是提供给普通人通过歌唱表达各类情感的机会,比如告白、忏悔或哪怕仅仅是一个感谢。