回复 :台湾青年何士戎(吴克群 饰)年过而立依旧一事无成,他失落彷徨,死亡是他梦中永恒的主题。某晚,何从高楼坠下,但这一切并未结束。当他再次醒来时,发现自己竟身处异国他乡,周围人全说着他听不懂的泰语。原来他的意识进入了一个泰国植物人阿森尼的身体,一段崭新人生就此展开。阿森尼的妻子娜肯(皮佳娜 Pitchanart Sakakorn 饰)并不为丈夫的苏醒感到高兴,反而表现出奇怪的冷淡和厌恶;另一方面,阿森尼也时常看到各种奇怪的人和事件,这都令他焦虑不堪。“夫妻”二人的隔阂并未持续多久,温柔的阿森尼让娜肯冰冷的心渐渐融化。而他也开始代替阿森尼前去上班。不过,这却是一份极不平常的工作……
回复 :Ilya is a cripple without the use of his legs. When he aids some weary travellers, they surprise him by giving him a potion that restores his legs. He immediately becomes powerful and sets off to prove himself to his King. Doing so, he fights the evil Tugars, a wind demon that looks like a cross between a goblin and The Noid, a zeppelin-like ambassador, and the evil Tugars. Ilya gets framed for a crime he didn't commit, then is freed, then finally dispatches the Tugars and their dragon.
回复 :A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she tries to determine if it's related to a legendary curse or something more nefarious.