回复 :月娥(张柏芝)是宋朝年间的烈女,武功了得,行侠仗义,追求专一的爱情和婚姻。一日在演诗会上偶遇一表人才的陈季常(古天乐),二人互生情愫。碰巧皇上为二人赐婚,成全了美好姻缘。但是考验二人感情的时候才刚刚开始——月娥为管住夫君,对季常管束甚严。但适得其反,季常在风流好友苏轼(许绍雄)的带领下经常去寻花问柳。月娥万般无奈,幸好用计试探,终得知季常仍深爱自己。但是,当月娥外出归来,却发现季常旧病复发,竟搭上了郡主(范冰冰)。月娥悲愤交加,喝下了忘情水。
回复 :
回复 :Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds between the vampire and Maria, the young female comrade, who is assigned to spy on the mysterious stranger. She must make a choice between a monster and the regime that exploits her. This satirical love story mixes elements of spy and vampire movies. Through its depiction of the paranoid Hungarian communist regime, it reflects on our present, where surveillance is a global concern.