回复 :田立秋(谢贤 饰)、蔡凤(冯宝宝 饰)、叶一丛(林雪 饰)于60年代曾是让人闻风丧胆的杀手组织,无奈时代蜕变,三人只好脱下战衣,重归平凡生活。步入黄昏之年,谁愿意被标籤为负资产?凭藉一首电台点唱「青春之歌」,更让三人重燃心中的一团火……
回复 :故事发生在我国云南中缅边境。跨国犯罪集团EBY组织老板吴昌泰被手下二号人物李国栋杀害,此人会中缅英三国语言,携带该组织存在世界各国的全部资产约四亿七千万美元潜入了中国境内。国际刑警组织中国局得到通告立即发出通缉令,迅速对李国栋展开了秘密追捕。围绕着这一跨国犯罪集团的行动,中国警方与各路势力,展开了一场触目惊心的殊死搏斗。影片情节跌宕起伏,悬念妙趣横生。枪战紧张激烈,武打别具一格。是一部脱俗超凡的枪战武打片。
回复 :The film charts the iconic British band’s sprawling journey over the last few years – from an unexpected break in Hong Kong which sowed the seeds for their first album as a four piece in 16 years, to a glorious home coming show in London and, finally, an emotional reunion with their Hong Kong audience.New World Towers cuts between scenes from the band’s impassioned performance at this summer’s Hyde Park show in front of 60,000 fans and the stirring concert in Hong Kong, but also offers a raw, candid glimpse into the interior life of the band as well, with personal documentary footage and band interviews showing just how an opportune recording session unexpectedly gave birth to a new album, while also raising questions about the future of Blur. New World Towers reveals fascinating insights into the group dynamic and especially the relationship between singer Damon Albarn and guitarist Graham Coxon. Ultimately, their enduring friendship prevailed - allowing Coxon to bring [The Magic Whip] to completion nearly 18 months later.