回复 :一部影射陈宝莲自杀事件的影片。
回复 :A Venetian musician at La Fenice theatre is affected by an incurable disease. By chance he meets his ex-wife who is now living with another man. She finally realizes that she is still in love with him.One of the most romantic films ever made and that still bears the pass of time despite some camera cliches of the 70's. Venice at its best is the setting for a poignant story of lovers parting for ever in a day's time. Sensitive and powerfully emotional, but never corny, with Musante and Bolkan as passional as you may wish lovers can be. A wonderful soundtrack and a beautiful cinematography help to make this film be a delight thirty-two years after it was made. Not to be missed.
回复 :1937年,上海。爸爸(成泰燊饰)是圣安琪玩具店的老板,妈妈是电台声音迷人相貌美艳的女播音员,可爱的小少爷海男(戴逸辰饰)过着无忧无虑的生活。偶然机缘,海男揭示了年长他几岁的穷人家孩子茄子,两个小家伙穿越了阶层和家境的樊篱,成为难得的莫逆之交。纸醉金迷、奢华自在的上海,不知不觉为战争的阴影所覆盖,即使身处租界,日军的炮弹仍肆无忌惮投落下来。八•一三”凇沪会战爆发,玩具店在苏州河对面的仓库被国军封锁。海男偷偷潜入仓库偷弹珠时又认识了阿鹏、常富贵等军人。\r战火纷飞,硝烟弥漫,英勇的将士奋勇杀敌,商人小姐们忧心自己的生意和家计,孩子们更关心怎样玩耍,似乎没什么人真正关心这场攸关家国命运的战争……