节目围绕“致敬缅怀 寻根问祖 踏青赏春”主题,国产观报道多地清明祭扫活动,国产观致敬英雄先烈,直播甲辰(2024)年清明公祭轩辕黄帝陵典礼,突出两岸同根同源,全球华人共祭先祖。万物清明草木生发,节目中还将探访各地清明踏青赏春的特色活动,领略山河春色,感受生机勃勃的中国。
节目围绕“致敬缅怀 寻根问祖 踏青赏春”主题,国产观报道多地清明祭扫活动,国产观致敬英雄先烈,直播甲辰(2024)年清明公祭轩辕黄帝陵典礼,突出两岸同根同源,全球华人共祭先祖。万物清明草木生发,节目中还将探访各地清明踏青赏春的特色活动,领略山河春色,感受生机勃勃的中国。
回复 :From spy dolphin to spy tuna and turtle, for the first time an underwater menagerie of spy creatures infiltrate the secret world of dolphins. Swimming alongside some of the most captivating and clever animals on the planet, these new spies are always on the move – catching the waves with surfing bottlenose dolphins and speeding with a megapod of spinner dolphins.From the team at John Downer Productions that brought you the unforgettable Penguins – Spy In The Huddle, this is one of the nation’s favourite animals seen as never before.John Downer says: “Unlike Penguin-cams, this time our spy creatures had to keep pace with fast-moving dolphins, often out in the deep ocean. The dolphins were very curious about their new neighbours and allowed them into their lives.”A new two-part series, narrated by David Tennant, the series producer is John Downer and the producer is Rob Pilley.
回复 :As Christie's celebrates its 250th anniversary, this two-part series follows the drama behind iconic art auctions across the globe to reveal how the world's biggest auction house operates.
回复 :六年级的小学生进藤光(川上友子 配音)无意中翻出了爷爷家的旧棋盘。触碰棋盘的一瞬间也释放出了寄居在其上的平安时代棋士藤原佐为(千叶进步 配音)的灵魂。附身于小光体内的佐为视棋如命,小光在其软磨硬泡下开始下围棋,接触了一批厉害的棋士,其中不乏他的同龄人。小光开始对围棋产生兴趣并展现了他的天分,而佐为则成为了小光的秘密老师……《棋魂》改变自堀田由美的同名作品,漫画由小畑健执笔,并由日本棋院的女棋士梅泽由香里担当监修。当年上映引起轰动后,引发了一股学习围棋的热潮,借由佐为的附身改变了主人公进藤光,讲述了其棋艺和心灵的成长,也在其中普及了围棋知识,意义深远。