:佛罗里达沼泽里,巨蟒的数量激增,威胁到短吻鳄的生存。一个激进的动物保护主义者(女性)将大量蟒蛇偷运到佛罗里达沼泽放生,引起了一个森林巡逻队员(也是女性)的强烈不满。这个巡逻队员历来主张保护短吻鳄。当矛盾激化时,一场蟒蛇战鳄鱼的好戏上演了。Syfy 宣布下一部B级怪兽电影《巨蟒大战恐鳄》(Mega Python Vs Gatoroid)将于1月29日播出。这部剧集是由80年代两名歌坛天后Debbie Gibson(15岁时首发专辑登上排行榜首位)和Tiffany(16岁时专辑销量达到1600万份)共同主演的。故事描述一个动物保护主义者(Debbie Gibson)偷偷将宠物商店里的缅甸巨蟒放入佛罗里达沼泽地里,破坏了当地的生态平衡。为了保护自己喜爱的短吻鳄,当地的护林员(Tiffany)给它们注射激素,导致它们的身体快速生长。巨蟒和恐鳄爆发一场大战,两个女人也打得不可开交。
:1960年捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳导演水晶球奖。Originally titled Seryozha, the Russian A Summer to Remember was co-adapted by Vera Panova from her own short story. War and Peace director Sergei Bondarchuk plays the new stepfather of young Seryozha (Borya Barkhatov). So close do the stepfather and the boy become in the months following their meeting that, when time comes for the boy to move on in life, he refuses to leave his new dad's side. Their summer idyll takes place on a Soviet collective farm, managed by Bondarchuk and depicted by novice filmmakers Georgiy Daneliya and Igor Talankin in the most glowing and apolitical of terms. Though there isn't much to the plot, the film admirably succeeds as a sort of cinematic tone poem.From All Movie Guide Russian filmmaker Georgi Daneliya ranks among his country's most popular directors of satirical comedies. The Georgia-born Daneliya comes from a distinguished family of film performers; his grandmother, Veriko Andzhaparidze, was a famed Georgian silent film actress, his cousin, Sofiko Chiaureli, is also a major actress, and his mother, Meri Andzhaparidze, spent more than a decade at Mosfilm Studios. However, he first chose to train as an architect (perhaps out of respect for his father, an engineer). Following his graduation in 1955, Daneliya worked only briefly in that field when he decided he'd rather be in films, enrolling in Mosfilm Studios' Directors' Courses in 1958. In 1960, Daneliya co-directed SeryozhaA Summer to Remember with Igor Talankin. Two years later, he made his solo directorial debut, Put K PrichaluThe Way to the Wharf (1962). His 1969 comedy Ne Goryuy!Don't Worry! successfully blended humor and melancholy, a device that would become Daneliya's trademark. In addition to directing, Daneliya co-authors the scripts for his films and occasionally works on screenplays for other directors. Daneliya has won numerous national and international awards for his work. In 1964, his Ya Shagayu po MoskveI Walk Around Moscow received an honorable mention at the Cannes Film Festival, while in 1975 Afonya received a special award at the All Union Festival, a major U.S.S.R. event. Daneliya's biggest hit in the U.S.S.R., Mimino (1977), earned the special prize at the Moscow International Film Festival and the U.S.S.R. State Prize. In 1991, Daneliya earned the Nika Award (the Russian equivalent to an Oscar) for Best Screenplay for Pasport (1990).
:台风过境,阴霾的天色不知会在闭港的小岛上空持续多久,陈旧的民宅内,几个帮派人物突遭袭击,来人身手矫健,斩去当家马天泰之首级后消失于夜色……次日,小岛女警晓禾(Celina Jade 饰)为救自家的猫坠树,一过路男子相救,他自称阿布(吴京 饰)。两人在食档与三名泰国悍匪狭路相逢,晓禾耿直但无法抵敌,阿布出手拼倒三人,随晓禾暂留警局。阿布令属意晓禾的警员泰山(森美 饰)大为吃味,同袍关公(许绍雄 饰)与靓宝(方力申 饰)冷语调笑,给这孤独的小岛警局凭添了不少温馨活气。马天泰遗孀佐佐木(青山伦子 饰)命手下肥荣(林雪 饰)带人登岛,寻回马爷头颅凑成全尸,孰料晓禾与泰山巡逻中发现藏尸处反将尸身也带走,肥荣等人冲入警局抢尸,混战中靓宝中枪殉职。港口重新开放,大批警员登岛,阿布因断头案的嫌疑被短暂扣留后释放,他虽然能瞒过警方,却无法摆脱佐佐木的追杀,晓禾被...