回复 :堇川奈奈子(雪野五月 配音)是一名十三岁的天才作家,某日,她来到香港参加签售会,却意外遇到了恐怖袭击活动,在导游米歇尔(菊地祥子 配音)和玛姬(平田宏美 配音)的保护下,奈奈子幸运的捡回了一条命。然而,事件并没有就此结束,奈奈子一行人发现,这场看似偶然的恐怖袭击活动,竟然是针对奈奈子而来。与此同时,奈奈子亦收到了恐吓信,信中人预言将攻击奈奈子的签售会现场,誓要让奈奈子魂断香港。米歇尔、玛姬和她们的妹妹阿尼(斋藤千和 配音)成为了奈奈子的保护者,在保护奈奈子的同时,三人亦要查出谁才是幕后真凶,以及他们的真实目的究竟为何。
回复 :这部纪录片是一群特殊的人。它记录了一群在生活中遇到挑战的人,他们有的患有白癜风,有的患有抽动秽语综合症。这部令人深省的纪录片将患有相同疾病的陌生人聚集在一起,看看他们将如何互相帮助。一个因为自己的皮肤状况感到压抑和害羞,另一个和他情况一样但成为了网络模特,当两人相遇会发生什么?被烧伤的病人能帮助同龄人从更积极的角度看待问题吗?这部纪录片改变了我们的视角,改变了我们的生活,帮助我们用不同的眼光看待“差异”。(B站条目:https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md28220617/?spm_id_from=666.10.b_62616e67756d695f64657461696c.1#detail)
回复 :It's all about the drive to survive. What happens when you 'MacGyver-ize' a car? In One Car Too Far former British Special Forces operative and an American car junkie are dropped into incredible landscapes and forced to work together to survive and ultimately escape to safety. The twist, they will have to take a small red car with them. It's the perfect combination as one knows how to drive and the other knows how to survive. With no proper roads and no real supplies, the two must rely on instinct and expertise alone to make it out. From the treacherous slopes and near-freezing temperatures of a mountain top, to the wet, dense vegetation of the rainforest, they use whatever supplies they can find to turn a regular car into an all-purpose vehicle to get them over, under and through just about any obstacle in their way.