回复 :唐港市高校联赛上,柔道项目迎来了冠军之战!深南大学19岁的选手原莱成为全场瞩目的焦点,最终带着新鲜出炉的金牌光荣返校。与此同时,身处澳洲集训中心的游泳天才江顾南,却因一再失利导致成绩一落千丈,带着遗憾回到深南大学。 一个是冉冉上升的明日之星,一个是跌落低谷的落寞天才,原本生活毫无交集的两人,却因为一场惊心动魄的火锅事件相遇了。然而,他们的相遇却没有童话般的浪漫和美好,反倒像是火星撞地球,从此一发不可收拾地开启了“冤家”之路。在携手经历了种种之后,爱情让他们变成了更好的自己。该剧根据韩剧《举重妖精金福珠》翻拍。
回复 :《天字第二號》是一部現代愛情諜報作品,結合了疫情期間因隔離產生對檢疫結果的恐慌與想像,以及導演張英的經典台語電影《天字第一號》元素;至於拍攝手法上,參考了近年美國電影《人肉搜索》或日本電視電影《雙重預約》運用的遠端拍攝與多重螢幕,用獨特的敘事方式,讓觀眾一窺疫情下專有的影像風格。
回复 :After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.