回复 :“It is a film from an extended series. It is hard to say who is the main character of “The Soviet Elegy.” There are more than a hundred faces of our compatriots. But, of course, it is not by chance that it is the destiny of a famous political figure, Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, that bears a special accent in the film. Though he got to power following quite typical ways, his uncommon character puts him out of the ordinary, and in the author’s opinion it may be determined by his uncommon human nature. Our hero exists within the tragic pattern of the soviet socialist life. He is a character of a drama, of which he is one of the authors. “The Soviet Elegy” can hardly be called a documentary film in the proper sense. Of course, the author guarantees the accuracy of chronology, but he insists on an artistic mode of thinking, not on a political or historical investigation.”
回复 :A retelling of the Greek myth of Phaedra. In modern Greece, Alexis's father, an extremely wealthy shipping magnate, marries the younger, fiery Phaedra. When Alexis meets his stepmother, sparks fly and the two begin an affair. What will the Fates bring this family? Alexis's roadster and the music of Bach figure in the conclusion.
回复 :落魄拳手维纳斯偶遇来泰国找拳王泰桑代言的格斗游戏开发者小亮。维纳斯想要左右逢源狠捞一笔差价,结果被泰桑老板发现抢走所以资金。为了弥补小亮,维纳斯决定参加去拳王大赛拿冲击奖金。在小亮和那瓦的训练下,维纳斯一路晋级,拿到决赛的资格。面对到手奖金和继续挑战冲击拳王的机会,维纳斯选择离开。这时小亮也得知维纳斯竟然是自己曾经的偶像蒙面拳王威霸天,小亮决定放弃奖金并向泰桑发起挑战。希望隐退的维纳斯与小亮发生争执,不欢而散。最终维纳斯还是站在了擂台上,在与泰桑的比赛中证明了自己,也弥补了遗憾。