回复 :该剧改编自台湾律师高秉涵的自传《山东少年传奇》。
回复 :乾隆年间,少年胡斐为父报仇踏入险象丛生的江湖,从一个有勇无谋的莽撞少年,成长为心系苍生、为国为民的一代大侠的故事。在寻仇的路上,胡斐因为打抱不平得罪了恶霸凤天南,并与凤天南的女儿天山派女侠袁紫衣产生了一段相爱相杀的凄美爱情。胡斐找到苗人凤的时候,苗人凤已经被被阴险的田归农陷害,眼睛失明。胡斐不愿乘人之危,铤而走险来到药王谷寻求解药,在药王谷结识了毒手药王的弟子程灵素,两人发生了一段凄美的故事。随着线索的不断浮现,原来杀父仇人另有其人,胡斐逐渐对苗人凤产生了敬仰之情,胡斐最终除掉了真凶田归农,大仇得报,最后和袁紫衣合力粉碎了福康安的阴谋。
回复 :Home from their honeymoon, the Kirbridges settle into their home in Greenwich. Their staff will consist of Rose as maid, on loan from Eaton Place, a crabby Mrs. Fellows as cook, and a Welshman named Thomas Watkins as manservant/everything else. Thomas has an unsettling gaze and seems a bit suspicious, but Rose fancies him anyway.The newlyweds don't seem very happy and their personalities are changing, getting their marriage off to a rocky start. Lawrence displays bouts of immaturity with a nasty, even cruel, demeanor. He prefers to socialize without Elizabeth, sometimes sneaking out after she's in bed, and comes home very late. His behavior is upsetting, giving Lizzie second thoughts about their marriage.