回复 :影片讲述了方世玉在不幸被卷入杀人抢劫的案件被污蔑入狱之后,发誓要将真相告知于天下,在同伴及母亲苗翠花的帮助下,替老师追回了宝物,同时也替国家除掉了一个贪官污吏的故事。
回复 :校园时代,邵兵(陈伟栋 饰)和他的同桌罗小鱼(卢蒽洁 饰)情窦初开。邵兵因家庭变故,弃学打工,误打误撞来到一家互联网企业。在这里,邵兵接触到互联网领域并意识到它所产生的巨大商机。 邵兵、张京(屠夏岩 饰)、王德(侯迪 饰)等几个志同道合的年轻人开始了创业。企业成立不到半年,合伙人王德突然卷钱跑路,致使公司负债累累,被债主逼债,而她心爱的罗小鱼,竟然也被罗小鱼母亲强行带出国了。邵兵的情感和事业纷纷陷入低谷。此后,邵兵结识了美女讲师于静(姜怡伊 饰),在她的帮助下,邵兵取得投资方的青睐,公司逐渐步入正轨。共同的理想与追求,使得邵兵和于静在不断的接触中日久生情。两人感情升温,决定结婚,但此时罗小鱼意外出现了,回国后的她已经变成气质与美貌俱佳的职场丽人,她希望和邵兵重归于好。邵兵不得不在两个女人之间做出选择……
回复 :At first glance, it seems like an ordinary sports movie based on Kendo. Jaewoo, who joins the national team selection process, is treated as a soon-to-be eliminated player from the first day. However, IRON MASK does not simply follow the typical sports movie formula. It sets the tension high early on, by showcasing an intense confrontation between Jaewoo and the unbeatable top-ranked player, Taesu. From there, it gradually reveals why Jaewoo is there, peeling away the layers of his story like an onion. Thus, the film expands beyond being just a sports movie and veers into sharp psychological drama. The sharpness of Jaewoo’s emotions is vividly reflected in his Kendo, while also representing the challenges he must unravel in his life. The ending is quite thought-provoking. The captivating cinematography exudes the excitement of Kendo matches in an electrifying way, making IRON MASK worthy of note. (Rhana JANG)源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6557&sc_category_seq=6022&sc_num=1&actEvent=view