亚洲区Years of friendship, laughter and love shared between two brothers faces the music when a 14 year old boy is confronted with the complexities of a simple relationship.
亚洲区Years of friendship, laughter and love shared between two brothers faces the music when a 14 year old boy is confronted with the complexities of a simple relationship.
回复 :因为初恋情人爱上了一个赤脚医生,战胜军发誓要成为艺术高明的大夫,然而在医学院的学习过程,却让他认识到作为一名医生的真正意义。毕业以后,他放弃了留在省城的机会,选择了一家更需要他的乡村医院。他用爱心和高超的艺术拯救了无数临近死亡边缘的病人,也获得了当地百姓的爱戴。可是多年的辛劳却使他患上了肺癌。
回复 :A shambling, out-of-work actor, desperate to win back the affections of his ex-girlfriend, unexpectedly stumbles upon a way to turn back the clock.
回复 :梅山市红光商店出纳员陈丽华(傅艺伟 饰),这一天在去银行下账途中遭人杀害,随身所带公款不见了踪影。接到报警电话后,公安局副局长韩忠(王彻 饰)随即带队前往现场勘查。经初步推断,这可能是一起因爱生恨的情杀案,当年曾和死者交过朋友的赵庆生(齐克健 饰)拥有重大嫌疑。虽然在赵的家里搜出了许多不利于嫌疑人的证物,但韩忠却直觉案件真相并没有那么简单。通过儿子韩志文,韩忠发现陈丽华的母亲竟曾是文革期间离他而去的前妻王亚芹。就在此时,赵庆生越狱逃亡,随后被人毒死。案情进入僵局,就在柳暗花明之际,韩忠却得知了令他难以接受的事实……