回复 :秋叶原,日本人气最高的电器街,每天,成百上千的宅男宅女们在此出没。Page(成宫贵宽 饰)也是其中的一员,外表普通的他有着强大的逻辑思维和信息网,但交流障碍成为了他致命的弱点。在生活中唯一能给他带来温暖的,是一个叫做YUI(板谷由夏 饰)的女子,YUI建立了一个虚拟的社交网站,专门为这些不善言辞的青年们排忧艰难。通过这个网站,Page认识了漂亮泼辣的Akira(山田优 饰),洁癖狂人Box(忍成修吾 饰),工程师Taiko(荒川良良 饰)以及电脑高手Izumu(三浦春马 饰)。无所事事的年轻人们聚在一起,建立了一个叫做秋叶原@deep的万能公司,伙伴们利用各自的特长,很快就聚集了高超的人气,但这也给他们带来了前所未有的困境与挑战。“数码城”的老板盗走了Page他们合伙发明的技术和设备,眼看着辛苦所得即将归他人所有,宅人们决定尽其所能背水一战。
回复 :Unable to make progress with her ex-lesbian conversion path, a neurotic "All American" Jill tracks down her butch ex-girlfriend Jamie to prove to herself that she is no longer attracted to her. Strung along by guilt and desire, Jamie agrees to the preposterous plan of "dating" Jill so that Jill can close this chapter of her life and move forward with men. Meanwhile, David and Lola compete for the affections of José , a sexually ambiguous and seductive man from Brazil, and they compare notes on their differing opinions of his sexuality. As complications arise with Jill and Jamie's relationship, Jill starts to see José as her ticket out. However, when the love triangles shift and realign, Jamie has her own identity crisis that she is ill-equipped to handle. A mix of over-the-top comedy, sharp wit, and pathos, "Heterosexual Jill" rides the edge of laughter and pain, desire and repression, and explores the complicated attachment to one's sense of self in the face of love.
回复 :提特里(沙善·阿罗拉饰)生活在德里贫民窟,家里排行第三,他与大哥(兰维尔·肖里饰),二哥(阿米特·希尔饰)共同操持一样不太正当的家族生意——劫车。只是,天性向往“不羁放纵爱自由”的老幺,已经受够了两位兄长的蛮横专制,处处摆布,以及硬塞给他的婚姻,捆绑他的人生。躁动的心只想逃离,但是,逃离之后就能收获自由了吗?