纪录片《唐顿庄园中的礼仪》由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce讲述《唐顿庄园》如何准确还原爱德华时期的人们的生活,包括餐桌礼仪、婚姻、行为举止、着装等。
纪录片《唐顿庄园中的礼仪》由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce讲述《唐顿庄园》如何准确还原爱德华时期的人们的生活,包括餐桌礼仪、婚姻、行为举止、着装等。
回复 :In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran, aspiring filmmaker and charismatic up-and-coming voice in fringe politics, began production on his film 'Gray State.' Set in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film's crowd funded trailer was enthusiastically received by the burgeoning online community of libertarians, Tea Party activists as well as members of the nascent alt-right. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorists who speculate that Crowley was assassinated by a shadowy government concerned about a film and filmmaker that was getting too close to the truth about their aims.
回复 :David the filmmaker is 40 years old, but he still doesn't feel like a man - not a real man anyway. When his wife becomes pregnant with a boy, David's manhood insecurities deepen. How can he bring his son into manhood if he feels so estranged from his own? This question sets him off on a quest for his manhood that leads him from voice lessons to a men's group to deer-hunting, and ultimately back to his own father. My Own Man is an intimate, humorous, and emotional account of one man's search for what it means to be a man and a father in the 21st century.
回复 :作为地球上数目最为庞大的体重超过100磅的顶级捕食者,长期以来,鲨鱼被种种传闻塑造成为海中恶霸,甚至有传言说它可以生吞下整个活人。然而人们并没有意识到4亿年以来,正是由于鲨鱼的存在,才使得整个海洋生态系统维持稳定,从而塑造了这个世界以及整个陆地的生命史。可是,这一存在于地球几亿年的古老的物种,如今却遭遇灭顶之灾。由于鱼翅交易所带来的暴利,大批鲨鱼被捕杀,由于对于鲨鱼缺乏科学的认识,捕杀鲨鱼的行为并未受到过多限制,鲨鱼正在以惊人的数目锐减。幸运的是,许多认识到这一点的人们开始行动起来,他们冒着被渔翅业黑手党杀害的危险,战斗在保护鲨鱼的最前线……本片入选加拿大多伦多国际电影节前十作品榜单,获得包括夏威夷电影节评委会特别奖在内的15项国际大奖。