回复 :岳惠英(张艾嘉 饰)的母亲去世之后,惠英最大的念想就是将远葬在乡下的父亲的坟迁回城里,和母亲葬在一起,这个念头让她和父亲的原配姥姥(吴彦姝 饰)之间爆发了巨大的矛盾。迁坟的事成为了惠英的心结,亦让她和丈夫孝平(田壮壮 饰)之间的感情产生了裂痕。惠英的女儿薇薇(朗月婷 饰)是电视台的栏目记者,对姥姥的过去充满了好奇的她将这场“家庭矛盾”搬上了电视,展现在了大众面前,虽然出发点是善意的,可整个事件却愈演愈烈最后变成了一出闹剧。与此同时,薇薇和男友阿达(宋宁峰 饰)之间的感情因为阿达的青梅竹马的出现而遭遇了信任危机,这让她对等了外公一辈子也孤独的生活了一辈子的姥姥产生了莫名的亲近之感。
回复 :Ji-cheol is a job seeker who only plays and eats, and is the boyfriend of Eun-je who runs a small store. Meanwhile, Joong-hoo, a hikikumori, became a regular after accidentally seeing Eun-je in the store. She is mistaking her kindness for her affection for herself. Joong-hoo started stalking her SNS every day. In the end, after approaching Eun-je with an innocent face, he succeeds in locking up Eun-je. As Eun-je disappears and the money supply is cut off, Ji-cheol is eager to find Eun-je. Ji-cheol, who is sad about money rather than worrying about Eun-je's safety, tries to lure Mi-seon out of her pocket money. Eun-je, who saw the scene of these two people's affair through a hidden camera, disarms Joong-hoo while drinking with him, thinking that she should somehow get out of there. Eun-je eventually escapes. Feeling empty without Eun-je, Joong-hu confines Mi-Seon, who ignored him. Three months later, someone came to Joong-hu's house and then.
回复 :在中国西部一座工业小城里,以寒远芳、大梨、小安为代表的年轻人,心中充满了对“远方”的幻想和执着,电影将以冷静沉着的笔调,勾勒寂寞小镇里平凡少年与少女的躁动与不安。有人在不甘中沉沦,也有人在冲动之下勇敢迈出了求变的步伐。青春的力量裹挟着人们,在时代的大背景下,奔赴梦想。据主创介绍,影片的整体风格将在真实性与形式感之间寻求一种完美的平衡,以映衬现实的残酷和青春的美好