视频索The life and career of acting teacher and co-founder/director of the American Place Theater, Wynn Handman.
视频索The life and career of acting teacher and co-founder/director of the American Place Theater, Wynn Handman.
回复 :九十年代末我国西南边境,“8077”边防武警特战队在一次剿毒任务中,先后遭遇山洪灾难和毒贩的算计,死伤惨重。为了牺牲的兄弟,“8077”幸存战士誓死展开绝地追击。影片根据真实案件改编。
回复 :保罗·贝坦尼导演处女作,影片由其妻子詹妮弗·康纳利和“猎鹰”安东尼·麦凯主演。汉娜和塔希尔来自两个不同的世界,从没想过彼此的相遇。当他们的生命意外交叠时,两个世界在纽约街头擦出火花。然而,在光鲜亮丽的纽约隐藏著这群无家可归、流连于街头的生活点滴。导演写给1970年代的纽约最真挚的情书,诉说著失去、爱、牺牲、救赎,最终得到希望的故事。
回复 :The Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing is one of the most famous bridges in China. It is also the most popular place in the world to commit suicide. For the past 11 years Chen Si has been patrolling this bridge, looking to provide aid for those who've gone there to end their lives. Incredibly, he has saved over 300 people since he began - nearly one every two weeks.南京长江大桥是中国最著名的桥梁之一,同时也是世界上自杀最高发的地点。11年以来陈思一直巡逻于大桥之上,以救助那些准备轻生的人们。难以置信的是,他从开始到如今拯救过的人数已在300以上 - 几乎是每两个礼拜救一人。