回复 :正所谓江湖险恶,险象环生。东邪黄药师之女黄蓉(妞妞 饰)被铁掌帮帮主裘千仞所伤,危在旦夕。郭靖(傅声 饰)背负蓉儿一路逃亡,偶然机缘行至一个机关密布的所在,并在此结识了深居简出的神算子瑛姑。在瑛姑的指点下,二人前往桃源寻找南帝段智兴(狄龙 饰)。桃源风景秀丽,鸟语花香,然一派祥和之下危机四伏,更有“渔樵耕读”四大高手阻挡去路。郭靖和蓉儿凭借高超的武功和过人的机敏闯过重重难关,终于见到已剃度出家的段王爷。段王爷虽知出手相救的凶险,却仍用一阳指治愈蓉儿,更道出了与瑛姑那一段鲜为人知的爱怨情仇……本片根据金庸同名武侠小说改编。
回复 :何戎队长有一段不愿提起的记忆,在那一场火灾当中,大火夺去了他昔日战友尹进良的生命,这让他陷入了无比的沉痛当中,为此感到了深深的自责,并下定决心要继续捍卫城市的祥和与安宁。不久,队里迎来了新兵入伍,新兵许淘一心想要成为一名救火英雄,热血带来的鲁莽让何戎队长操心不已,许淘起初对于何队长并不服气,但两人一次又一次共同战斗在消防一线上,见证生离死别。最终许淘完成了蜕变与成长,而最终何队长为了恪守消防员的职责,牺牲在了一次化工厂火灾当中。多年以后,许淘也成为了新一任队长,他像当年一样,教导着兴致高昂的新兵,此刻他心里明白,消防员肩负的不是英雄的光芒,而是救人的责任。
回复 :A great spanish cult movie!!This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.