回复 :A mysterious mastermind - Daredevil and his team forms a plan and commits bank heist to find the corporate looted people's money.
回复 :清雍正年间,年羹尧得知雍正对自己猜忌,派人将数年敛聚的财富藏进西北大漠魔鬼城,随后,他下令诛杀了全部埋宝者。200年过去了,这批宝藏的下落成了个谜,好多寻宝人最后不得善终。如今,刘清(张国民 饰)的商队和鲁大刀(冯恩鹤 饰)的杂牌军又加入到寻宝行列中。一天,采药的中医王洪水(田少军 饰)无竟间发现了藏宝图,归途中遇见濒临死亡的维族女孩阿依古丽(麦小琴 饰),他将其接回家中救治。鲁大刀贪恋阿依古丽美色,将其抢回帐中,王洪水不忍阿依古丽落入虎口,拿藏宝图与鲁大刀交换。宝图到手后鲁大刀反而疑心生暗鬼,终于在梦游时将藏宝图丢失......
回复 :A late night radio talk show host offers a room to a runaway teen at her opulent home, what she doesn't bargain for is the eighteen year old has ulterior motives which forces Kim to face her darkest secrets.