国产观National Geographic will release a new documentary film this year about the extreme climber Alex Lowe. Directed by Lowe’s son Max, Torn will explore his father’s life and tragic death, and impact on the family after such a loss.
国产观National Geographic will release a new documentary film this year about the extreme climber Alex Lowe. Directed by Lowe’s son Max, Torn will explore his father’s life and tragic death, and impact on the family after such a loss.
回复 :医学院学生杰弗里沉迷于研究一些稀奇古怪的实验,在一次生日聚会上,杰弗里的未婚妻谢莉失误操作他发明的割草机不幸被割的得血肉横飞成了一堆人肉沙拉,杰弗里痛苦欲绝,决心通过实验将尸体残骸重新拼接让其复活...
回复 Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era: in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannibal Lecter.Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 1990, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ... :2019年也门内战期间,一对中年夫妻因为国家经济崩溃失去了工作。育有3个孩子的他们入不敷出,第4个孩子的即将来临让这个家庭雪上加霜,堕胎似乎成了唯一选择。本片由导演阿姆·贾马尔根据朋友的真实故事创作,得益于群众演员的配合,他用克制而又纪实的镜头记录了五口之家的日常生活,小到买菜的窘迫,大到被迫搬家的无奈,在大量细节中带观众体会这个家庭的艰辛。影片还探讨了在也门有巨大争议的堕胎问题以及女性所面对的巨大压力。入围2023年柏林国际电影节全景单元观众奖。
回复 :影片讲述巴黎有一群不羁青年如何投身革命,让.皮埃尔.利奥出演一位理想主义愤青,邂逅了一位受爱戴的流行女星,通过他们的爱情故事,展现了60年代巴黎浪漫的“青春实验”。影片有一个简单的故事,描述记者保罗访问刚出道的摇滚女歌手马德莱娜,趁机对她展开追求。过程之中出现了十多段断断续续互相交错的纪录片段,讨论到政治、性、喜剧、乡愁等诸多话题,等于对戈达尔所谓的“马克思与可口可乐下成长的孩子”作一总体剖析。