  时间:2025-03-10 10:57:53

故事的发生地是湖北产茶大镇——谷城五山镇。每年阳春三月,日韩这里花红茶绿,日韩人声鼎沸,茶叶的丰收让茶农们忙得喘不过气来。他们就跑到城里的劳动力市场找人来当采茶工,以质论价,按量付钱。每年都吸引了很多城里人来做季节工。富大龙在片中饰演一个在生意上比较精明但在女孩面前拘谨木讷的茶场主。他演的回乡青年宋大雄,带头承包茶园种植有机茶。由于种植面积扩大,他独辟蹊径到城里请来十几个求职的大学生,清一色的漂亮女孩。这些女孩要求挺多,朴实的他一一满足了姑娘们的要求,教她们采茶、炒茶。后来他得到其中一个女孩章丽蕾的爱慕,最终把她留了下来。制作公司: 北京电影制片厂 Beijing Film Studio [中国]




回复 :While surveying a telegraph line in 1861, Western Union engineer Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) is severely injured in an accident. He is discovered by Vance Shaw (Randolph Scott), an outlaw on the run from a posse. Forced to travel on foot after his horse was hurt, Shaw at first considers stealing Creighton's horse, but changes his mind and takes the man with him, saving his life.Sometime later, following his recovery, Creighton returns to Omaha, Nebraska and plans the construction of a telegraph line from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Utah. Facing considerable opposition to the line from Confederate soldiers, Indians, and outlaws, Creighton elicits the help of his sister Sue (Virginia Gilmore), foreman Pat Grogan (Minor Watson), and assistant Homer Kettle (Chill Wills).Looking to put his outlaw past behind him, Shaw arrives at Creighton's Western Union office looking for honest work and is hired as a scout by Grogan who is unaware of his past. Creighton recognizes him among the men and allows him to stay despite his suspicions. Creighton also hires tenderfoot Richard Blake (Robert Young), a Harvard-educated engineer as a favor to Blake's father. Shaw and Blake are both attracted to Sue and vie for her attention, but their romantic rivalry is cut short when construction of the telegraph line starts on July 4, 1861.After work commences on the line, one of the men is killed apparently by a mysterious band of cattle-rustling Indians. Unconvinced that Indians are to blame, Shaw rides out to investigate and follows the rustlers' trail to the camp of Jack Slade, a former friend and cohort, whose gang committed the killing disguised as Indians—the gang Shaw left following his last bank robbery. Slade reveals that they are working for the Confederacy to disrupt Western Union because they believe the telegraph service will help the Union. Shaw rides away and returns to the line. Not wanting to turn in his former friends, Shaw tells Creighton that a large band of Dakota Indians stole the cattle, and recommends that they simply replace the herd and not risk a fight with the Indians.Sometime later, a confrontation takes place between men working on the forward line and a band of drunken Indians. When one of the Indians tries to steal some equipment, a nervous Blake shoots him, ignoring Shaw's order to remain calm. After word arrives that the main camp is under attack by other Indians, the Western Union men rush back to help with the defense. At the main camp, Slade's men, who are again disguised as Indians, steal the Western Union horses. The company discover the ruse when one of the wounded Indians turns out to be a white man. Forced to buy back their stolen horses from Slade, Creighton becomes suspicious of Shaw's involvement, especially when he admits to knowing the gang.Soon the U.S. Army arrives and announces the Indians have now refused to allow the telegraph lines to go through their territory in response to Blake's shooting of the drunken Indian. Creighton, Shaw, and Blake ride out to convince Chief Spotted Horse to allow them to build the line through Indian territory, even though the man Blake wounded was Spotted Horse's son. Creighton is finally able to persuade the Indians to allow them passage, and work continues until the company approaches Salt Lake City.Sometime later, Shaw receives word that Jack Slade wants to meet with him. On the way to see Slade, Shaw is captured and bound by Slade's men. Slade says his group is going to burn down the Western Union camp and they don't want Shaw to interfere. After Slade and his men ride off, Shaw escapes from his ropes but arrives back too late to prevent the fire. He helps rescue some of the Western Union men from the flames and burns his hands in the process.After the fire, Creighton confronts Shaw for an explanation, but Shaw does not reveal what he knows and is fired by Creighton. As Shaw leaves the camp, he tells Blake that Slade is actually Shaw's brother and that he, Shaw, will find Slade's gang and stop them from interfering with the telegraph project. Shaw rides off and finds Slade and his men in a nearby town. At the barber shop, Shaw confronts his brother, whose gun is concealed under the barber's sheet. Slade shoots Shaw through the sheet. Shaw fights back in spite of his wound, killing some of the gang members, and then dies. Blake arrives and continues the fight with Slade who dies from his wounds. Soon after, the Western Union line is completed and the workers celebrate. When Sue laments the absence of Shaw, Creighton tells her that Shaw can hear them.



回复 :房屋中介王杰,从事地产工作多年,但始终与女友陈佳住在出租屋里。一天王杰失落地独自来到天台,正巧在天台遇到了飞儿乐团。在飞儿乐团的帮助下让原本对自己人生处处不满的王杰,先后体验了明星、总监、总经理的三段“成功”人生,坐拥万贯家财,众人追捧。突然的人生逆转,让王杰也渐渐地发现了人生逆转的代价——生活没了任何隐私,时间也不由自己掌控。不管工作还是生活,“成功”的背后都有让王杰意想不到的苦恼,原本贤惠温柔的陈佳,如今也开始对自己变得冷淡疏远。随着心理防线一点点被击溃,王杰开始反思自己过往的人生,随着王杰的醒悟,也让王杰回归了现实的人生,吃着女友陈佳做的那一碗温馨的打卤面,终于找到了人生真正的价值,他开始用积极乐观的心态面对工作和生活。



回复 :Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal.After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation.Patrick Robinson and Nadine Marshall lead the drama as Anthony and Janet McKay-Williams.Pippa Bennett Warner plays Patrick’s daughter Eileen, CJ Beckford plays her brother Gary and Corinne Skinner Carter plays Patrick’s mother, Lucille.



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