超新A Manic depressive artist survives a suicidal fall only to be possessed by a murdered gangster, who uses the artist to seek vengeance on those that ended his life.
超新A Manic depressive artist survives a suicidal fall only to be possessed by a murdered gangster, who uses the artist to seek vengeance on those that ended his life.
回复 :A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation. Isolated and ten thousand miles from home, the tourists find themselves caught in the clutches of an evil force much more heinous than the local myth believed.
回复 : 蜜桃(黄美棋 饰)是一个早熟的八岁小姑娘,某日,她和好友外出拜神树,蜜桃许愿希望能够长大成人,没想到愿望真的成了真,蜜桃(钟真 饰)果真成为了亭亭玉立的十八岁少女。在游泳池边,蜜桃邂逅了名为丹尼(王书麒 饰)的男子,丹尼的英俊帅气很快吸引了蜜桃的注意。 虽然表面上成熟美丽,但蜜桃的内里毕竟只是一个八岁的单纯女孩,不知实情的丹尼对什么也不懂的蜜桃很是失望。蜜桃二姐的前男友在无意之中得知了蜜桃的秘密,他和丹尼的前女友(方璇 饰)一拍即合,两人设计让蜜桃误以为丹尼已经离她而去,伤心的蜜桃找到神树,乞求它将自己重新变回没有烦恼的小女孩。
回复 :卡洛斯是个自从妻子去世以后就再也离不开家也再也写不出什么东西的犯罪小说家。出版社派了一个助手去他家帮助他写作。卡洛斯将她幻想成自己的亡妻,不想让这第二次爱情的机会溜走,他决定不惜付出一切代价把她留在自己身边,而她一次又一次试图逃脱。