无码A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.
无码A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.
回复 :Jim Slater seeks a survivor of the Apache ambush his father died in.
回复 :洛基电影的第五集。自从上一集洛基(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)击败了苏联的拳击机械人后,他决意归隐,从此过些安安乐乐的日子。阴险商人杜克(东尼•布顿 Tony Burton 饰)是拳击经理人,利用拳击手赚黑心钱,他高薪引诱洛基投到他门下,洛基不为所动,断然拒绝了他的邀请。退隐后的洛基还是没有离开拳击,他的好友拳击教练米克死后留下了一座拳击训练馆,洛基继承了米克的事业,每天到拳击馆里训练新人。年轻拳手绰号“机枪”的涛米极具天分,洛基倾其所有传授米涛拳术,米涛在洛基的帮助很快就跻身了优秀拳手的行列。成名后的米涛被名声和金钱所蒙蔽,投到了杜克的帐下,成了杜克阴谋的一枚棋子。怒不可遏的洛基决定用自己的手段拯救米涛!
回复 :韦小宝(周星驰 饰)要护送建宁公主(邱淑贞 饰)嫁到云南,在途中遇到了独臂神尼的刺杀。小宝被抓走后,借口拜神尼为师,其实是想追求其徒弟阿珂(李嘉欣 饰)。不料韦小宝被神龙教圣女龙儿(林青霞 饰)抓走,想要报了之前在王宫里埋下的仇恨,却没想到遭到了平西王的陷害。韦小宝极力相救,龙儿以身相许更把绝世武功传于韦小宝。韦小宝与公主之间的事情被平西王发现了,平西王更提前造反,小宝将贪图富贵的冯锡范骗到东郊皇陵,没想到那里竟然是大清龙脉……