在《男人女人和孩子》中,极限有经常浏览色情网站的父亲,极限有痴迷于Guild Wars(激战2)的儿子,还有误入歧途的母亲。小说探讨的是在互联网视讯如此发达的当下,美国家庭所面临的性压力,以及美国社会“不牢靠的情感文化”。
在《男人女人和孩子》中,极限有经常浏览色情网站的父亲,极限有痴迷于Guild Wars(激战2)的儿子,还有误入歧途的母亲。小说探讨的是在互联网视讯如此发达的当下,美国家庭所面临的性压力,以及美国社会“不牢靠的情感文化”。
回复 :This movie is also called "Dust of life" in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994.In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America.Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com.Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
回复 :一个匿名的老虎人跳舞视频打破了某电销中心的平静,销售员耿概被老板宇哥勒令找到幕后黑手。为了自证清白,耿概不得不明察暗访,一时间,在耿概眼中所有人似乎都有嫌疑。而真正的老虎人正隐藏其中……
回复 :小虎曾是孟家养子,但意外导致养父过世,便离开孟家,漂泊十年后,成了走私贩。他偶然救下采芹和采薇两姐妹,更与采芹一见钟情,可采芹正是仕龙的未婚妻。采芹既迷恋小虎,又想嫁给仕龙做上等人。采芹与仕龙成亲那日,小虎欲带采芹私奔,采芹谎称妹妹采薇与小虎有私情,以保住自己与仕龙的婚姻。小虎为报复采芹,与采薇成婚,婚后两人有了感情。仕龙发现采芹才是与小虎私情的人,对小虎产生了仇恨,以多年前一桩绑架案抓捕起诉小虎。尔后仕龙悔悟自己被愤怒蒙蔽双眼,撤销了控诉。孟夫人也道出了小虎身世——小虎与仕龙是亲兄弟。小虎与采薇终成眷属。采芹剃度为尼,忏悔过去。