回复 :手艺,人类文明的重要载体,先人智慧的生动体现。《探索·发现》栏目正在制作百集电视系列片《手艺》,聚焦中国传统手工艺的制作与传承,从崭新的角度展示中国传统手工艺与手工艺人的现状,紧扣对“手艺”最正统的认知:即以双手与简单工具配合所产生的手工技艺和艺术,关注那些需经数十年积累后汇于双手,且能代表中国文化精髓的传统手艺,表达手工艺者对传统的执着坚守。他们或执着于百年不变的操作工艺,或勇于开拓创新,将经典发扬光大,或在艰难中苦苦支撑。工艺之美与人生经历的交织,古人智慧的奇巧与今人在繁华世界中的不断追寻,将成为贯穿本系列片的核心魅力。
回复 :《私人诊所》和《实习医生格蕾》今年会再次「交叉」。除此之外,观众最感兴趣的是上季结尾留下的悬念:Charlotte和Cooper订婚后会怎样?Addison选择Sam而放弃Pete又会怎样?在新季首集中,Pete和Violet正小心翼翼地筹备即将到来的婚礼。Cooper突然介入,令大家情绪失控。Addison和Sam的关系突然出现意外情况。既要照顾女儿又要照顾外孙女令Naomi不堪重负,她同时担心Dink没有能力当一个父亲。尽管大家意见不和,矛盾重重,但这群医生还是聚到一起缅怀他们共同的朋友--Dell(在上季结尾死亡)。
回复 :Everyone struggles to adjust to life without Marissa. Dealing with her death in the only way he knows how, Ryan has moved out of the Cohen house. When Ryan misses a special dinner, Seth finds him in the wrong part of town and calls Summer for help. Meanwhile, Julie Cooper will do anything to avoid dealing with the loss of Marissa. Kaitlin earns a new pair of boots from Dr Roberts in true Cooper fashion. And Taylor Townsend hides out in the diner and tries to convince her friends that she is in Paris. This DVD release contains all 16 episodes of the Fourth and final series of the OC.Episode GuideThe AvengersThe GringosThe Cold TurkeyThe MetamorphosisThe Sleeping BeautyThe Summer BummerThe Chrismukk-huh?The Earth Girls Are EasyThe My Two DadsThe French ConnectionThe Dream LoverThe Groundhog DayThe Case of the FranksThe Shake UpThe Night MovesThe End's Not Near, It's Here