回复 :在劳拉·李的童年有一段记忆始终如新。一战结束后,辛迪尔与罗西被安置在田园诗般的科茨沃尔德丘陵村。这是一个令人深思的成长故事,描绘了一个在过去与未来之间的边缘地带,记录了那个还没有被电气化和汽车占领的乡野村庄。
回复 :An indigenous leader resists the environmental ruin of Amazonian lands by big business. As he is forced into exile and faces 20 years in prison, his quest reveals conflicting visions that shape the fate of the Amazon and the climate future of our world. World Premiere
回复 :一对印度的中产阶级夫妇:服装店老板拉吉(伊尔凡·可汗 Irrfan Khan 饰)与太太米塔(萨巴·卡玛尔 Saba Qamar 饰)为了让女儿皮娅(蒂希塔·塞加尔 Dishita Sehgal 饰)接受更好的教育想尽了各种办法。而当他们费劲心思终于要将女儿送进名校时,事情却又发生了意想不到的变化……