阿衰Now in New Orleans, Jim strives to break back out of the minors and back into the major leagues while continuing his popular podcast. Brockmire faces a whole new level of drunken debauchery that The Big Easy makes so easy.
阿衰Now in New Orleans, Jim strives to break back out of the minors and back into the major leagues while continuing his popular podcast. Brockmire faces a whole new level of drunken debauchery that The Big Easy makes so easy.
回复 :中央电视台新时代文化节目的创新之作,凭借精致有创造力的“央视气质”让众多专家、学者看到了国家平台的高级水准和创新实力,让经典作品具有穿透性!
回复 :内蒙古卫视大型文博综艺节目《馆长·请亮宝》,走进三星堆博物馆、敦煌博物馆、海上丝绸之路博物馆、中国陶瓷博物馆、河南博物馆、山东博物馆等在内的国内24家知名博物馆,寻找宝物并邀请馆长亲临现场,和文化嘉宾蒙曼、纪连海、王震中、钱文忠等一道讲述文物背后的故事,让文物“活”起来。
回复 :「声優に丸なげ!」2024年4月起放送决定