【女子高中生×DIY 题材,隐形粤语原创TV动画《Do It Yourself!!》制作决定】讲述女子高中生的DIY日常,隐形粤语原创动画《Do It Yourself!!》宣布制作决定,并公布了视觉图。本作由 米田和弘 担任导演,笔安一幸 担任编剧与剧本,PINE JAM负责制作。
【女子高中生×DIY 题材,隐形粤语原创TV动画《Do It Yourself!!》制作决定】讲述女子高中生的DIY日常,隐形粤语原创动画《Do It Yourself!!》宣布制作决定,并公布了视觉图。本作由 米田和弘 担任导演,笔安一幸 担任编剧与剧本,PINE JAM负责制作。
回复 :《时光音乐会·老友记》的会员专享衍生节目,聚焦时光音乐人的舞台纯享内容,重谱极致乐章,再现视听盛宴。
回复 :Tatler is the oldest magazine in the world and has been reporting on the lives of Britain’s most privileged and powerful for 300 years. Tatler not only documents, but also dictates the social calendar of Britain’s elite. With an archive full of society’s movers and shakers being pictured in its pages it has long been a rite of passage for Britain’s ruling classes.In the first episode of Posh People: Inside Tatler we meet the editor, Kate Reardon, a self-confessed ‘honking, great Sloane’, and her features team - who are all expected to be well versed in the rules of upper class life.The programme follows Matthew Bell - Tatler’s writer and the newest addition to the team - over his first few months at the magazine. We’ll see him trying to find his feet and go from middle class outsider to privileged insider.We’ll see the team putting together an issue, follow them on shoots and key social events to meet the people they feature - from Lord Glasgow in his 13th Century castle in Scotland, to Nigerian Millionaire Kola Karim, who has no idea how many cars he owns.
回复 :中央广播电视总台出品的饮食文化类纪录片《鲜生史》,4月29日起每晚19:00在CCTV-9纪录频道播出。纪录片聚焦了鲁迅、苏轼、曹雪芹、白居易四位文学大家与美食之间的故事,为观众打开美食新世界。该片以史料和作品为据,展现人物和食物的奇妙互动,在现实中解读当地饮食文化和主人翁饮食观念;同时,纪录片也以轻松现代的解读方式,在流传千古的经典文本与当下真实生活中灵活跳转,用喜闻乐见的调侃和不失严谨的考据,让当代年轻人无负担地享受到真实且经典的饮食文化趣味。