韩国A man decides to part for Mozambique to work in a natural reservoir, and discovers there is much more work to do than he had anticipated.
韩国A man decides to part for Mozambique to work in a natural reservoir, and discovers there is much more work to do than he had anticipated.
回复 :Eve is a Christmas movie fanatic and dreams of having a movie-perfect Christmas with a movie-perfect boyfriend. On Christmas Eve, when Eve and her cynical sister Lacy make wishes to Santa, they wake up in Christmas Town and find themselves trapped inside a Christmas movie where they are the stars. But when things start to go wrong, and Eve's knowledge of all things Christmas movie fails to fix things, Eve and Lacy try to find a way out of the picture-perfect Christmas and back to reality.
回复 :复活节晚餐上,父亲病情突发去世。远在纽约为事业打拼的大女儿和离家20公里的小女儿都没有参加晚餐。姐妹俩关系疏远,但现在她们需要共同拯救父母苦心经营,濒临破产的园艺事业。
回复 :电影《守岛人》讲述了王继才(刘烨 饰)与其妻子王仕花(宫哲 饰)32年守护祖国边陲小岛开山岛的故事。王继才生前是江苏省灌云县开山岛民兵哨所所长,与妻子以岛为家,与海相伴,把美好的青春年华奉献给了祖国海防事业。影片选取王继才夫妇守岛生涯的经典片段和闪光瞬间,从不同侧面展现了王继才夫妇丰富的内心世界和“守岛就是守国”的家国情怀。该片不仅还原了王继才夫妇32年与恶劣自然环境顽强抗争的经历,更将主人公爱国奉献的价值追求贯穿影片始终,对于各行各业坚守平凡、创造非凡的人们,都深具心灵观照和精神滋养。