春暖Two basketball players confront their strained relationship in a game of one on one.
春暖Two basketball players confront their strained relationship in a game of one on one.
回复 :A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly consequences.
回复 :小東是一個非法居留兒童,從小跟著衫佬流落在女人街,每天模仿著正常兒童「扮返學」。他從小便和衫佬相依為命,衫佬待他如親子。 每天小東都會到衫佬的貨倉「尋寶」,再到他的「秘密基地」。這一天小東如常到貨倉,卻意外認識了「肉參」欣欣,並誤打誤撞救了她。 與此同時,為了躲避警察的搜捕,黑幫大佬火屎哥插贓偷回來的鑽石到貨車司機珮怡的貨物之中,因為這些鑽石子豪與珮怡結「緣」。 一場賊贓與綁架案件交織著錯摸,小東得到了一個完整「家」的感覺,四人命運走在一起殊途同歸......
回复 :南California 的West High Sharks高中的Carson决定使出浑身解数带领她团队里的姑娘们赢得全美拉拉队冠军,可是New Yorker 的brooke可不这么想,她比Carson还要坚定冠军属于她们,到底鹿死谁手我们拭目以待..