回复 :Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there's something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean's expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter's husband goes missing.
回复 :简如龙本是警探,与萧国威是一对出生入死的老拍档,后因简如龙脾气暴燥,一次被上司指责,愤然辞职,转而在私家侦探社工作。两人分开后,仍互相合作,屡破奇案。如龙本有妻子文莉,但文莉嫌她穷,与他离婚。如龙又认识了白明珠,但明珠嫌他穷,只在烦闷时找他,没有深厚感情存在。明珠认识了古老翁,准备与他结婚,但古老翁意外死去,她不幸被怀疑谋杀。如龙多方协助,与国威联手替明珠洗脱嫌疑。明珠刚洗脱了嫌疑,竟生贪念,因二百万引来杀身之祸,结果又得如龙出手相救。但虽然如龙两番救了她,但终未能得到她的芳心。
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