恶魔A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
恶魔A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
回复 :朝鲜一座国家秘密工厂对美元的仿制度超过了百分之九十九,朝鲜特种部队首长车奇成,在之前的行动失去了妻子,因而对国家产生不满,决定带领一众手下脱北出逃。并且在走之前要抢走工厂最宝贵的伪钞模板。车奇正的手下,一个行动小组的组长林哲令(玄彬饰)率领自己的组员,与车奇正一伙发生了激烈交火。最后除林哲令一人幸存,其余工人和保安人员全部被杀害,其中就包括林哲令的妻子。朝鲜军政高层下令必须将伪钞模板追回,而林哲令也下定决心天涯海角也要追杀车奇正为妻报仇。朝鲜情报部门得到情报,车奇正出逃之后,辗转中国几座城市最终逃到了韩国首尔。朝鲜军界高层借南北高层会谈之际,以随从身份带林哲令一同前往首尔,并通知韩国警方展开一次共助行动,一起抓捕车奇正。韩国警方对车奇正的真实身份和朝鲜官方的实际目的一无所知,于是派出打酱油的刑警姜镇泰(柳海真饰)协助林哲令,实则敷衍和监视朝方行动。此时车奇正和原朝鲜特种部队的手下已经全部偷渡到了首尔,敌强我弱力量对比悬殊,看似不可能完成的共助行动就此展开。@秀山鲤鱼
回复 :Set during the Philippine-American war, Heneral Luna follows the life of one of Philippine History's most brilliant military men, General Antonio Luna, as he tries to lead his countrymen against colonial masters new and old, and to rise above their own raging disputes to fulfill the promise of the Philippine Revolution.
回复 :为了寻找亚瑟的踪迹,侠盗团夜袭齐天大厦,但结果却以失败告终。侠盗团4人由于触发警报被逼放弃任务,就在侠盗团重新整顿之时,齐公子的出现却让众人重新燃起了希望……齐公子告知叶天自己组织了一场群贼饕餮盛宴 - 百盗之局,希望通过较量挑选出群贼之首,胜者将获得丰厚奖赏。齐公子盛情邀请叶天带领侠盗团参加,但一向高傲的叶天完全不屑于与群贼进行争锋,叶天对齐公子予以拒绝。