回复 :American gangster Erik Vasquez (Philippe A. Haddad) is scheming to become the top dog in the Mexican underworld, only to find himself making enemies out of both the powerful cartels and his own allies.
回复 :1997年4月3日晚10点左右,韩国汉城龙山区梨泰院某快餐店的厕所内,大学生赵宗毕被人残忍杀害,现场惨不忍睹。赵是家中独子,为人谦和礼貌,他的离开给家人以莫大的打击。经过缜密调查,警方最终将目标锁定在现场目击者韩裔美国人皮尔森(张根锡 饰)和美籍韩人亚历克斯(申圣焕 饰)身上。两个桀骜不驯的青年起初否认罪行,接着便相互指责对方才是真正凶手,并各自陈述了完全相反的案件发生经过。负责此案的朴泰锡警官(郑镇荣 饰)费尽心思,却始终无法逼近事实真相,调查陷入胶着状态。一次次审讯,一次次开庭,真正的凶手最终能否现身?本片根据真实事件改编。
回复 :Follows prodigy vulcanologist Antoinette Vitrini and her sister Emily as they attempt to blow the whistle on an illegal oil drilling scheme before it sets off the eruption of a super-volcano directly beneath Miami.