滨崎A struggling country singer meets a Nashville songwriter in need of inspiration. Teaming up to write a song, their work gets complicated but results in both a hit song...and true love.
滨崎A struggling country singer meets a Nashville songwriter in need of inspiration. Teaming up to write a song, their work gets complicated but results in both a hit song...and true love.
回复 :一年一度的圣诞节又要来临了,身兼圣诞老人一职的斯考特先生(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen 饰)逐渐繁忙了起来。可偏偏就在这个节骨眼上,校长卡罗尔(伊丽莎白·米切尔 Elizabeth Mitchell 饰)找到了斯考特,告诉他他的儿子查理(艾力克·洛伊德 Eric Lloyd 饰)如今已经成为了学校里的问题学生,卡罗尔希望斯考特能够花多一点的时间陪伴和教育查理。在和卡罗尔接触的过程中,斯考特渐渐爱上了这个独立坚强的女人,根据圣诞老人法则,他必须在今年圣诞节前找到自己的另一半,而卡罗尔出现的正是时候。斯考特将自己的真实身份告诉了卡罗尔,哪知道卡罗尔却以为斯考特在戏弄她,两人之间的感情产生了裂痕。
回复 :Timeshift charts the evolution of the British postage stamp and examines how these sticky little labels became a national obsession. Like many of us, writer and presenter Andrew Martin collected stamps when he was young, and now he returns to that lost world to unpeel the history of iconic stamps like the Penny Black and the Blue Mauritius, study famous collectors like King George V and the enigmatic Count Phillip de Ferrary, and to meet present-day philatelists at a stamp club.
回复 :第71届威尼斯电影节地平线单元最佳影片。一位孟买下水道工人被发现陈尸于他的工作地点,死因竟然一首歌?65岁的民间歌手兼社运人仕被指控以歌曲教唆他人自杀。随着案件展开,死者和被告身世大起底, 连律师和法官的私生活也被评头品足。新扎编导首部电影即见真章,运用了新鲜的电影语言,以无稽荒谬情节和对白,揭示法治其实是人治的道理,再审视家庭背景与阶级如何建立不同的价值观,成就不同的社会。