王保Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to pursue music together.
王保Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to pursue music together.
回复 :本片荣获2015坎城影展国际影评人奖,由阿根廷导演桑迪亚哥米崔,以不寻常角度探讨性侵议题。为实践心中的政治理念,宝琳娜放弃前途光明的律师生涯,来到家乡附近的边境贫乡教书。工作上的困难并未挫折她的理想,但宝琳娜却在深夜返家时遭到强暴,其中甚至包含她所教导的学生。指控或原谅,究竟谁该为暴力负责,以社会改革为职志的她面临天人交战。
回复 :The journey of a father, Heves Ali, who had never met his son ,Yusuf, in 25 years is told.
回复 :在冷战时期莫斯科,一个女间谍,从一个理想主义的政客的身上窃取机密并爱上了他。