回复 :任职于律政署监控的唐志高(马浚伟 饰)主要事情是处理一些诸如随地吐痰、违章驾驶的事情。为了能大展拳脚,他申请调去政府做律师。志高的父亲大海非常支持儿子的工作,但另一方面,大海赌瘾很大,本来以为下了注赌马大赚一笔就可以弥补之前的欠款,可谁知这笔堵注是非法的。赌赢的钱不翼而飞,被追的债只有儿子志高来偿还。志高动用了本来要买房的资金,这让大海愧疚不已,不久选择离开人世。而成为律师的志高因为一次诬蔑被罢免职务。因为和某一服装集团主席的侄子童日进(吴卓羲 饰)相识且结为挚友,于是被引入该工资做法律顾问。而志高也和初恋女友徐颖(廖碧儿 饰)相逢。看似一切越来越顺利,可志高和其警察好友殷向明(马国明 饰)却逐渐被卷入到一起事件中,危机重重……
回复 :CW正式宣布续订《邪恶力量》第13季。
回复 :Will & Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretary/assistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.