线综合Documents the chilling 70s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles. Features first-hand accounts from the detectives, who tracked down these killers bringing justice for the victims and survivors.
线综合Documents the chilling 70s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles. Features first-hand accounts from the detectives, who tracked down these killers bringing justice for the victims and survivors.
回复 :This is a story about people in love with cinema, and a country going through its most difficult times. A group of friends, who met sometime ago in a movie theatre, get together to see one of them off to Belgrade. So their journey begins: from personal memories to the remembrance of their country, out of a small dark room to the mystery of Kiev's night. Their last stop - the farewell party where reality and cinema once again become a single whole.
回复 :在第二次世界大战中,位于地中海中央的马耳他岛对英军来说是非常重要的战略地点。随着德军不断的空袭供给路线被打断,岛上留下孤立无援的军队,但是他们顽强的死守着马耳他岛,最后他们不惜一切代价,至死不渝的反击着德军。他们不惜一切代价,至死不渝的战斗到最后一个人!本片由亚历克·吉尼斯和杰克·霍金斯主演,故事剧情精彩绝伦!
回复 :看似毫无联系的两起自杀案件,却将所有的疑点指向了一位著名画家。而正当警方锁定杀人凶手时,却发现嫌疑人画家已经跳楼自杀。危机并没有结束。案件陷入了前所未有的困境,唯一的线索只剩下嫌疑人画家的前妻。死去的画家,隐藏幕后的凶手,陷入困局的警察,一个患有创伤后应激障碍的女人,一桩陈年旧事。一个巨大的秘密和一场骇人的罪恶逐渐露出水面。所以真相到底是什么?你看见的就一定是真相吗?