回复 :自幼青梅竹马的吴山水(周润发 饰)与郭飞莹(郑裕玲 饰)是一对甜蜜的恋人,但当飞莹自英国回到乡间后,她与山水之间的价值观截然不同了。加之山水的大男人主义,倔强的两人分手收场。分开后的山水认识了新女友阿珊(刘嘉玲 饰),飞莹也有了新男友,各自都有了不同的生活。直到新春,两人重逢都想起了开心的往昔,一起开车兜风,怎料车子直冲向了悬崖边……
回复 :故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市巴黎,卡洛塔(Mary Fabian 饰)是一名歌剧演员,某日,剧院之中忽然现身了神秘的幽灵,威胁卡洛塔必须放弃她在歌剧《浮士德》中的角色,并将这个角色让给一位名为克里斯汀(玛丽·菲尔宾 Mary Philbin 饰)的女子扮演。克里斯汀和幽灵之间是怎样的关系呢?原来,幽灵的真身是一直以来潜伏在剧院中的一名头戴面具的男子,一场意外令他的容貌尽毁,变得恐怖狰狞,无奈之下只好戴上面具,躲藏在墓地里。某日,克里斯汀的出现吸引了他的注意,他发现自己已经深深的爱上了这位美丽的女子,于是决定现身将她挟持。起初,克里斯汀十分害怕这位诡异的男子,然而,随着时间的推移,克里斯汀渐渐发现,这恐怖的幽灵亦有温柔善良的一面。
回复 :Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her. Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army. She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son. Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist. She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up. Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother. Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her.This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played beautifully by François Méthé, discovers the details of his heritage. This film won many awards in Canada and at Cannes in 1988. François Méthé, who was about 11-years-old, never acted again after this movie.From IMDbA quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn’t seen since infancy. He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal grandparents. The suitcase contains mementos and a diary, a long letter to him, written over the years, with details of her youth, her first job as a pianist at a cinema, the coming of talkies, her marriage, and how he came to live with his grandparents. As he reads through the materials and her story comes to life, his son Antoine, who’s about 10 or 12, tries to break through his father’s silence and sorrow by taking matters into his own hands.