回复 :Sinbad and his crew intercept a homunculus carrying a golden tablet. Koura, the creator of the homunculus and practitioner of evil magic, wants the tablet back and pursues Sinbad. Meanwhile Sinbad meets the Vizier who has another part of the interlocking golden map, and they mount a quest across the seas to solve the riddle of the map, accompanied by a slave girl with a mysterious tattoo of an eye on her palm. They encounter strange beasts, tempests, and the dark interference of Koura along the way.
回复 :A rich man leaves all his wealth to his most loved Ex-girlfriend. But at his wake, five exes pay their respects by sharing their wild and naughty moments. Who among them will be his heir?
回复 :狂风暴雨之夜,玛丽贝丝(丹妮尔·哈丽丝 Danielle Harris 饰)穿过有如地狱一般的沼泽之地,经过数轮极其残酷血腥的屠杀,她的身后留下20具面目全非的尸体。在此之后,玛丽贝丝手提猎枪和死者的头皮出现在当地警察局,瞬间引起不小的震动。警方奉命前往沼泽之地调查,而这个惊魂未定的女人也慢慢道出过于那场屠戮的只言片语。在当地,警方发现大量破碎不堪的尸体,然而随着夜幕降临,魔鬼再次复苏,新一轮的杀戮由此展开。 罗克利父子的魔鬼诅咒并未就此结束,厄运永无止境循环,所过之处留下的只有鲜血与人肉碎块……