女海Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
女海Lord Zedd is introduced as the new arch-rival of the Power Rangers. Angered by the failure of Rita, he imprisons her in the Dumpster again and sets about defeating the Power Rangers by immobilizing the zords.
回复 :卡修斯和无尽能源都被布莱克精灵夺走,罗杰船长下令找到布莱克,夺回无尽能源……
回复 :由#小林有吾#创作的足球题材漫画《#青之芦苇#》确定将于2022春季TV动画化!
回复 :像格斗比赛那样面对着敌人,像橄榄球那样和同伴们一起防守,需要有强韧的肉体和精神,不适用任何道具的最冷门运动,其名曰卡巴迪!